When to buy a new office chair? These are the signs


Comprar una silla de oficina nueva | DESMON

The chair we sit in every day to work is of vital importance. Without a doubt, it must be a comfortable and healthy place to sit. That way, we will take care of our health and also boost our performance at work. However, on many occasions the chair is not in good condition. Today we explain when to buy a new office chair and what the warning signs are.

At DESMON we are specialists in office furniture and accessories. Our experience has shown us that the condition of the chair has a direct influence on the quality of work. It also has a major impact on our state of health. These are more than enough reasons to renew the pieces from time to time.

Many people may think that any type of chair can be used for work and do not pay attention to its condition. However, sooner rather than later, the poor condition of the chair starts to take its toll: the body aches and tasks pile up due to lack of concentration.

In this article, we’d like to tell you about the warning signs that it’s time to buy a new office chair. We’re sure that your body will be screaming out to you. Watch out for the signs.


The first alarm that you need to change the office chair you work in will come from your own body. There is no doubt about it. However, if you continue to ignore these alerts, there are other warnings, which we will explain below.


It may seem obvious, but many people do not relate possible pain to the poor condition of the saddle. For this reason, we are going to remind you of the possible repercussions on the human body.

The most common is neck pain at the end of the working day. Not being able to rest your head or having a headrest that cannot be adjusted is a clear cause of pain in the area. Moreover, if left unresolved, neck pain can develop into a headache. Just to avoid these potential migraines, it is worth buying a new office chair.

If the chair has no adjustment in the lower back or the mechanisms do not work, pain in the lower back will also occur. The load on the lower back can cause discomfort when walking. Of course, the hip also suffers if the chair is not sufficiently ergonomically adapted.

In short, when the chair is uncomfortable and does not adapt to the different areas of the back, it is time to buy a new office chair.


The adjustment mechanisms of office chairs can also break down and stop working. The piece may have levers that activate the height or lumbar adjustment, but, with time and use, they can break down.

At that moment when we want to lower the height of the chair and the lever does not activate the mechanism. When we try to raise the headrest to support the neck and it is impossible to achieve the desired height. If we want to activate the lumbar support and the cam does not respond. At all these times you should seriously consider buying a new office chair. If we don’t, those aches and pains we talked about earlier will appear.


Do you hear rattling and creaking noises in the chair every day when you make small movements? This is another symptom that means the wheelchair needs to be replaced.

These creaking noises indicate that the brackets no longer fit as they should. Perhaps the lubrication has been lost or the rubber and seals have become less flexible over time. What is obvious is that it is not normal for the chair to creak when we move to pick up the water bottle or reach out to answer a phone call.

If the chair squeaks, it is necessary to change the model and buy a new part.


If you have an office chair with a warm material, you will end up being uncomfortable. Ideally, the upholstery should be made of breathable fabric to allow air to circulate. It should also be hypoallergenic. This will prevent possible allergic reactions, itching or rashes.

Finally, it is also advisable that the seat upholstery material does not slip. When this happens, it is necessary to continually correct the posture with the discomfort that this entails. Do the test, sit on the chair and raise your legs so that you do not lean. If you notice how your body slips on the chair, it is a clear sign to buy a new office chair.


The useful life of an office chair is between 5 and 10 years. This is the case when the chair is used regularly and continuously over time. Overcoming this barrier means that the adjustment mechanisms have lost their elasticity and the posture adopted on the chair is already uncomfortable due to lack of adjustment. It will be impossible to sit well at the desk.

Forget about those chairs that have been in use for 15 or 20 years. They are more like torture chairs than office chairs.


Otra señal clara de que conviene comprar una silla de oficina nueva es el estado del asiento. Ocurre muchas veces que con el paso del tiempo la espuma pierde su amoldamiento. Es entonces cuando, en lugar de sentarnos, nos hundimos en el asiento.

Además, también ocurre que la tapicería se ensucia, desgasta e incluso llega a romperse dejando a la vista parte de la espuma o estructura interior. Eso multiplica la incomodidad de la silla y también ofrece una mala imagen a los posibles visitantes que accedan a la oficina.


It is clear that having a chair in good condition is the first step to working comfortably. Ergonomic models are the best choice because they adapt perfectly to the body.

At DESMON we offer you office chairs, desk chairs and also for teleworking via home office. In our catalogue you will find resistant, comfortable, adjustable and very durable models. In addition, we can adjust the upholstery to the corporate colours of the company.

If you need more information, please contact us and get a personalised quote to change all the chairs in your office.

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