Library furniture. Essential pieces


Mobiliario para bibliotecas - Library furniture | DESMON

Having the ideal library furniture is the first step in creating a conducive study environment. Many students come to libraries looking for a space that facilitates concentration. The quiet environment and stillness create the right context for getting the most out of studying. From there, all that is needed is comfortable tables, ergonomic chairs or lockers to store personal belongings.

At DESMON we are experts in office furniture and we have developed projects that included furniture for libraries. Undoubtedly, it is an environment that requires comfortable and functional furniture because users spend many hours in front of books. Whether they are school or public libraries, the quality of the furniture is fundamental.

With this article we want to review which are the most important pieces of furniture for libraries and which will facilitate a suitable environment. Let’s get down to business.


Libraries are spaces that have become more equipped over the years. It is no longer enough to simply put in tables and chairs of any kind. Users need furniture that is comfortable and has sufficient accessories.

This means that tables need to have power sockets for laptops and chairs need to be equipped with castors so that they can be moved easily and quietly.

Similarly, libraries are also spaces where book presentations, exhibitions or colloquiums are held. This implies the need for multi-purpose spaces that can be set up in seconds and adapted to the number of people attending.

In short, the furniture for libraries must be adapted to the use of new technologies in the study and also to the multiple events that can be held in the facility.


Tables are probably the type of library furniture that requires the most attention. Tables should be spacious and can have space for 4, 6 or 8 seats. Depending on the design, they can be square, rectangular or even round.

Table tops can be made of melamine, which is a hard-wearing and highly decorative option. It is also possible to opt for chipboard or phenolic material. Of course, they should be completely smooth and the legs should not interfere with the users.

In addition, they should have integrated sockets for laptops and you can also include lamps on them anchored to a guide.


The best bet for library chairs are ergonomic models. At DESMON we have chairs with elegant and modern designs that facilitate a correct posture at the table.

It is always interesting that they are stackable models because they are much easier to store. In addition, they should be fitted with feet, glides or blocks on the legs so that they glide easily and quietly. Models with armrests are somewhat more comfortable and, if you buy upholstered chairs, it is advisable that the fabric is breathable.


Shelving is a basic element of library furniture. It is interesting to have models of different heights that adjust to the size of the books. This makes better use of space. Library shelving should be sturdy, capacious and fully accessible.

Similarly, at DESMON we have models of mobile shelving that are ideal for library or archive collections. In addition to containing the material, they protect it from light and dust. The structure is easily moved on guides and with the help of a steering wheel.


The counter of a library is the control point of the installation. Within the library furniture, it is the place where the user goes when he/she needs help or wants to request a service. It is also a working place for librarians. Therefore, it must fulfil the function of user service and also have enough space for employees to work easily.

At DESMON we design, manufacture and assemble made-to-measure counters. We have models with straight, curved or even completely rounded shapes. They include a customer service bar and a work surface for the employee. In addition, it is also possible to add areas to attend to people with functional diversity.


We have previously mentioned the use of libraries for book presentations or lectures. In such cases, the ideal option is to equip the space with movable partitions. The reason for this is very simple: these are removable walls that can be used to set up limited spaces within the library. The panels are very easy to unfold and function as acoustic insulation and prevent sound propagation outside the area. Nowadays, they are indispensable when designing the layout of library furniture.

Having several of them throughout the library space is an easy way to set up multi-purpose spaces in a matter of minutes. In addition, when they are gathered together, walls that prevent visual contact between library staff and users are avoided.


Finally, we would like to mention the great success of installing phenolic lockers at the library entrances. In this way, users can leave jackets, coats, backpacks or even motorbike helmets before entering the study area. Consequently, the noise they make will not disturb other users.

At DESMON we have a wide range of lockers that include lockable or coin-operated lockers. We can design different compositions and we have lockers of different heights and depths. In addition, they can be manufactured in many colours and can be adapted to the general decoration of the library.


These are just some of the basic pieces of furniture for libraries. However, you can also include dividing screens to provide some privacy or auxiliary furniture such as press racks or drawer units.

If you need help and are looking for bespoke library furniture, contact DESMON. Our design team will find the best solution for the space available and will present you with a functional and comfortable project.

If you are looking for furniture for school, public, company or university libraries, at DESMON we have the best offer.

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